Tuesday, February 2, 2010

CONNECTED: I'm On LinkedIn, Feeling a Little JibberJobber!

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Recruiter Earth Radio


with host

Dawn Mular

Recruiters, career coaches, Jobseekers, and any empowered career professional will enjoy this interview and the careeer management offering. Jason is extremely active in the social networking/media sphere and has authored a number of books, on how to leverage the most popular social networking destinations for professional development.

JIBBERJOBBER.com is Career Management 2.0 for jobseekers, offering intelligence, relationship management tools, and keys for career and job search success.

Jason Alba is JibberJobber Founder and Social Networking Author. He found himself job searching after having a successful career in IT and business strategy. JibberJobber became his personal solution to keeping all of his activities in one neat place... a personal solution like the recruiting ATS (applicant tracking system) available to benefit jobseekers and career professionals alike to simplify, automate and document the valued and personal career development plan.

On TWITTER: @jasonalba CHECK OUT BOOK: "I'm on Linked In, Now What"

Dawn Christine Mular Owner/CEO of Helping Friends LLC

Akron, OH 44321
001.330.703.1007 or toll free U.S. 1866.256.1227

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