There is enormous opportunity for the person willing to believe in their business vision, and persevere while problems give way to solutions...
- Creative Collaboration is A Recruiters Secret Weapon is Social Splits Networking.
- Recruiter Earth has launched Social Splits as a new way to Generate and inspire business
What are we talking about here? Collaborative Partnership through a well networked Recruiting Community. Exploring the value and benefits of flexible splits networks... and Encouraging vendors and partners to make it easier for us to create a new breakaway business model that encourages participation and prosperity greater than the sum of one individuals effort alone!
The 5 Phases for Collaborative Conversation listed follow
1. Clarify the purpose of the conversation
2. Share divergent views and perspectives
3. Build Shared Understanding of the differing views and perspectives
4. Create new options by connecting the different views
5. Generate a conversation for action.
Seems really simple doesn't it? It is simple.. but not easy.. Not easy because our success depends upon our willingness to ask for our desired outcome more than embracing our limitations.. Believe that in the power of creative collaboration, a greater solution and opportunity to be of service and produce revenue might exist. and Recieve the trappings of a well connected community, who cares about the individuals and well being of all involved.
Social Networking should Advance Recruiting Splits! SlideShare presentation on LinkedIn.
Looking for partners, thinkers, and Recruiting Professionals to join us in creating a more innovative business model. We have the community, the foundations and incredible potential.. but might be even better if YOU were at the table? Got ideas? Got questions? Contact me!!!
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